2022年9月7日 星期三

Chung Ji LIU

Professor Chung Ji LIU

1. Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, MacKay Memorial Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan.

2. Department of Medical Research, MacKay Memorial Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan.

3. Institute of Oral Biology, School of Dentistry, National Yang-Ming Chiao Tung University, Taipei, Taiwan, 


1983-1989 DDS, School of Dentistry, National Yang Ming University

2000-2002 Master, School of Dentistry, National Yang Ming University


1991-1995   Resident, Veteran General Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan

1995-2008   Attending Physician, MacKay Memorial Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan

2008-2014   Chief, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, MacKay Memorial Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan

2014-       Chief, Department of Stomatology, Mackay Memorial Hospital, 


2010-       Professor, National Yang Ming University

Published articles (2017-2022)

1. Hsuan Yu Chen, Li-Han Lin, Chung Ji Liu (2022, May). Risk factors for

reconstruction plate exposure after surgery in oral cancer patients. A

retrospective cohort study. Clinical Oral Investigations, 26, pages 41274136.

2. HF Tu, KW Chang, SC Lin, WW Hung, SH Ji, HL Wu, CJ Liu (2022, Apr).

Aberrant miR-10b, miR-372, and miR-375 expression in the cytobrushed

samples from oral potentially malignant disorders. J Dent Sci, Volume 17, Issue

2, April 2022, Pages 688-695. 

3. HF Tu, LH Lin, HW Cheng, KW Chang, CJ Liu (2022, Apr). Exploiting salivary

miR-375 as a clinical biomarker of oral potentially malignant disorder . J Dent

Sci, Volume 17, Issue 2, April 2022, Pages 659-665. 

4. Li-Han Lin, Chung-Hsien Chou, Hui-Wen Cheng, Kuo-Wei Chang, Chung-Ji Liu

(2021, Nov). Precise Identification of Recurrent Somatic Mutations in Oral

Cancer Through Whole-Exome Sequencing Using Multiple Mutation Calling

Pipelines. Front Oncol, 2021 Nov 29;11:741626. doi:10.3389/fonc.2021.741626. 

5. Lin LH, Cheng HW, Liu CJ. (2021, Jul). Droplet digital polymerase chain

reaction for detection and quantification of cell-free DNA TP53 target somatic

mutations in oral cancer. Cancer Biomark, 2021 Jul 30. doi: 10.3233/CBM-


6. Lin SC, Liu CJ, Ji SH, Hung WW, Liu YC, Chang SR, Tu HF, Chang KW. (2021,

Jul). The upregulation of oncogenic miRNAs in swabbed samples obtained from

oral premalignant and malignant lesions. Clin Oral Investig, doi:

10.1007/s00784-021-04108-y. .

7. Huang TH, Kuo PJ, Liu CJ. (2021, May). Comparison of surgical outcomes

between primary plate and fibular flap transfer for reconstruction of segmental

mandibular defects. . Microsurgery, May;41(4):327-334. 

8. CY Cheng, FJ Sun, CJ Liu (2020, May). The influence of cervical lymph node

number of neck dissection on the prognosis of the early oral cancer patients.

Journal of Dental Sciences, 

9. Li WC, Huang CH, Hsieh YT, Chen TY, Cheng LH, Chen CY, Liu CJ, Chen

HM, Huang CL, Lo JF, Chang KW. (2020, Mar). Regulatory Role of Hexokinase

2 in Modulating Head and Neck Tumorigenesis.. Front Oncol. , 10:176. doi:

10.3389/fonc.2020.00176. .

10. Lin LH, Lin JS, Yang CC, Cheng HW, Chang KW, Liu CJ. (2020, Mar).

Overexpression of Platelet-Derived Growth Factor and Its Receptor Are

Correlated with Oral Tumorigenesis and Poor Prognosis in Oral Squamous Cell

Carcinoma.. Int J Mol Sci. , 29;21(7):2360. doi: 10.3390/ijms21072360.. 

11. Yeh LY, Yang CC, Wu HL, Kao SY, Liu CJ, Chen YF, Lin SC, Chang KW.

(2020, Jan). The miR-372-ZBTB7A Oncogenic Axis Suppresses TRAIL-R2

Associated Drug Sensitivity in Oral Carcinoma.. Front Oncol., 31;10:47. doi:


12. Lin LH, Chang KW, Cheng HW, Liu CJ. (2019, Dec). SMAD4 Somatic

Mutations in Head and Neck Carcinoma Are Associated With Tumor

Progression.. Front Oncol. , 6;9:1379. doi: 10.3389/fonc.2019.01379. . 

13. Pidugu VK, Pidugu HB, Wu MM, Liu CJ, Lee TC. (2019, Dec). Emerging

Functions of Human IFIT Proteins in Cancer.. Front Mol Biosci, 19;6:148. doi:


14. Kao YY, Chou CH, Yeh LY, Chen YF, Chang KW, Liu CJ, Fan Chiang CY, Lin

SC. (2019, Aug). MicroRNA miR-31 targets SIRT3 to disrupt mitochondrial

activity and increase oxidative stress in oral carcinoma.. Cancer Lett. , 456:40-


15. Chen TY, Hsieh YT, Huang JM, Liu CJ, Chuang LT, Huang PC, Kuo TY, Chia

HY, Chou CY, Chang CW, Chen YF, Chen HM, Lo JF, Li WC. (2019, Jul).

Determination of Pyruvate Metabolic Fates Modulates Head and Neck

Tumorigenesis.. Neoplasia. , 21(7):641-652..

16. Chen YF, Liu CJ, Lin LH, Chou CH, Yeh LY, Lin SC, Chang KW. (2019, May).

Establishing of mouse oral carcinoma cell lines derived from transgenic mice

and their use as syngeneic tumorigenesis models. BMC Cancer. . doi:

10.1186/s12885-019-5486-, 29;19(1):281.

17. Tsou HH, Hu CH, Liu JH, Liu CJ, Lee CH, Liu TY, Wang HT. (2019, May).

Acrolein Is Involved in the Synergistic Potential of Cigarette Smoking- and Betel

Quid Chewing-Related Human Oral Cancer. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers

Prev., 28(5):954-962. DOI: 10.1158/1055-9965.EPI-18-1033..

18. Liu CJ, Chen JH, Hsia SM, Liao CC, Chang HW, Shieh TM, Shih YH. (2019,

Apr). Salivary LDOC1 is a gender-difference biomarker of oral squamous cell

carcinoma.. PeerJ., 9;7:e6732. 

19. Pidugu VK, Wu MM, Yen AH, Pidugu HB, Chang KW, Liu CJ, Lee TC. (2019,

Apr). IFIT1 and IFIT3 promote oral squamous cell carcinoma metastasis and

contribute to the anti-tumor effect of gefitinib via enhancing p-EGFR recycling..

Oncogene, 38(17):3232-3247. doi: 10.1038/s41388-018-0662-9.

20. Yi-Fen Chen, Yun-Yen Wei, Cheng-Chieh Yang, Chung-Ji Liu, Li-Yin Yeh,

Chung-Hsien Chou, Kuo-Wei Chang, Shu-Chun Lin (2019, Apr). miR-125b

suppresses oral oncogenicity by targeting the anti-oxidative gene PRXL2A.

Redox Biol, 2019 Apr;22:101140.

21. Peng SY, Tu HF, Yang CC, Wu CH, Liu CJ, Chang KW, Lin SC. (2018, Dec).

miR-134 targets PDCD7 to reduce E-cadherin expression and enhance oral

cancer progression. Int J Cancer., 143(11):2892-2904.

22. Shu-Chun Lin, Li-Han Lin, Ssu-Yu Yu, Shou-Yen Kao, Kuo-Wei Chang, Hui-Wen

Cheng, Chung-Ji Liu (2018, Dec). FAT1 somatic mutations in head and neck

carcinoma are associated with tumor progression and survival. Carcinogenesis,

13;39(11):1320-1330. doi: 10.1093/carcin/bgy107. 

23. Li-Han Lin, Kuo-Wei Chang , Shou-Yen Kao, Hui-Wen Cheng, Chung-Ji Liu

(2018, Nov). Increased Plasma Circulating Cell-Free DNA Could Be a Potential

Marker for Oral Cancer. International J molecular sciences, Oct 24;19(11). pii:


24. JS.Lin, FJ Sun.Y.Lin KW Chang , CC.Yang CJ Liu (2018, Oct).

Clinicopathological and prognostic significance of preoperative serum epidermal

growth factor levels in patients with oral squamous cell carcinoma. International

Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, 47(10) 1236-1242. 

25. Chou CH, Tu HF, Kao SY, Chiang CF, Liu CJ, Chang KW, Lin SC. (2018, Apr).

Targeting of miR-31/96/182 to the Numb gene during head and neck

oncogenesis.. Head Neck. , 40(4):808-817.

26. Liu CJ, Lin JS, Cheng HW, Hsu YH, Cheng CY, Lin SC. Plasma miR-187* is a

potential biomarker for oral carcinoma (2017, May). Plasma miR-187* is a

potential biomarker for oral carcinoma. Clin Oral Invest, 21(4):1131-1138. 

27. Su NW, Wu SH, Chi CW, Liu CJ, Tsai TH, Chen YJ. (2017, Apr). Metronomic

Cordycepin Therapy Prolongs Survival of Oral Cancer-Bearing Mice and

Inhibits Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition. Molecules., 13;22(4):629. doi:
