2022年9月12日 星期一

Pushing the Limits of Conventional Wisdom in Clinical Practice by Always Questioning: Applications in Orthognathic and Implant Surgery

Pushing the Limits of Conventional Wisdom in Clinical Practice by Always Questioning:
Applications in Orthognathic and Implant Surgery

There are some certainties in the practice of oral and maxillofacial surgery that are passed down to us during our training. These are things we follow because we were told by conventional wisdom or our trainers or even by previous studies. But are they really certainties or merely opinions that have been repeated until it becomes a fact? These sacred cows are everywhere- for example model surgery for orthognathic surgery is accurate and we should trust the splint. Where do we place the maxilla for orthognathic surgical planning? Do we divide out the movement between maxilla and mandible? Autogenous bone graft is the best for implant bone grafting. Or in the periodontal literature, guided bone regeneration with xenografts is the best. Being a contrarian is early as there is a comfort to be sought in the crowd of conventional wisdom. The speaker hopes to enlighten the audience with examples of sacred cows he encountered and some of the research he has done.