2022年9月13日 星期二

Hsi-Feng TU

Hsi-Feng TU

Associate Professor 

Department of Dentistry 

College of Dentistry

National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University






DDS (Taipei Medical University, Taiwan)
MS (National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Taiwan)
PhD (National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University)

Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeon (Taiwan) 


Appointment Status
Chair, Department of Stomatology, National Yang-Ming Chiao Tung University Hospital


Head & Neck Surgery, Trauma Surgery, Oral Diagnosis, Oral Disease


Membership of Associated Professional Bodies

Association for Dental Sciences, ROC

Taiwanese Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons

International Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons


Research Interests
Pathogenesis of Oral Cancer
Surgical Oncology of Oral Cancer


Awards and Positions 

2020-2022: Academic Chair, Taiwanese Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons

2017: Outstanding Teacher Award, Taiwan Dental Association


Publications (5-year, key author)


1.        Chen, C. H., Huang, Y. C., Lee, Y. H., Tan, Z. L., Tsai, C. J., Chuang, Y. C., Tu,H. F., Liu, T. C., Hsu, F. T. Anticancer Efficacy and Mechanism of Amentoflavone for Sensitizing Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma to Cisplatin. ANTICANCER RESEARCH 2020; 40(12),6723-6732.

2.        Huang LK, Tu HF, Jiang LD, Chen YY, Fu CY. Evaluation of Concomitant Orbital Floor Fractures in Patients with Head Trauma Using Conventional Head CT Scan: A Retrospective Study at a Level II Trauma Center. Journal of Clinical Medicine 2019; 8(11), 1852.

3.        Tu HF, Chen YC Michael, Lai CY Joseph, Chen YL, Wong YW, Yang CC, CHen HY, Hsia SM, Shih YH, Shieh TM. Arecoline-regulated ataxia telangiectasia mutated expression level in oral cancer progression. Head & Neck 2019;41(8):2525-2537.

4.        Peng SY, Tu HF, Yang CC, Wu CH, Liu CJ, Chang KW1, Lin SC. miR-134 targets PDCD7 to reduce E-cadherin expression and enhance oral cancer progression. International Journal of Cancer 2018; 143(11):2892-2904.

5.        Chou CH, Tu HF, Kao SY, Chiang CF, Liu CJ, Chang KW, Lin SC. Targeting of miR-31/96/182 to the Numb gene during head and neck oncogenesis. Head & Neck 2018; 40(4):808-817.

6.        Yu EH, Tu HF, Wu CH, Yang CC, Chang KW. MicroRNA-21 promotes perineural invasion and impacts survival in patients with oral carcinoma. Journal of the Chinese Medical Association 2017; 80(6):383-388.

7.        Huang LK, Wang HH, Tu HF, Fu CY. Simultaneous head and facial computed tomography scans for assessing facial fractures in patients with traumatic brain injury. Injury-International Journal of the Care of the Injured 2017; 48(7):1417-1422

8.        Yang CC, Tu HF, Wu CH, Chang HC, Chiang WF, Shih NC, Lee YS, Kao SY, Chang KW. Up-regulation of HB-EGF by the COX-2/PGE2 signaling associates with the cisplatin resistance and tumor recurrence of advanced HNSCC. Oral Oncology 2016; 56:54-61.

9.        Hung KF, Liu CJ, Chiu PC, Lin JS, Chang KW, Shih WY, Kao SY, Tu HF. MicroRNA-31 upregulation predicts increased risk of progression of oral potentially malignant disorder. Oral Oncology 2016; 53:42-7.

10.    Kao YY, Tu HF, Kao SY, Chang KW, Lin SC. The increase of oncogenic miRNA expression in tongue carcinogenesis of a mouse model. Oral Oncology 2015; 51(12):1103-12.

11.    Tu HF, Chang KW, Cheng HW, Liu CJ. Upregulation of miR-372 and -373 associates with lymph node metastasis and poor prognosis of oral carcinomas. The Laryngoscope 2015; 125(11):E365-70.


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