2022年10月22日 星期六

The Current Status of Medical Artificial Intelligence Development in Taipei-Veterans General Hospital


The Current Status of Medical Artificial Intelligence Development in Taipei-Veterans General Hospital  


Shou-Yen Kao DDS, MHA, DMSc, 

Professor & Vice Superintendent of Taipei-VGH



The AI development in Taipei-Veterans General Hospital was primarily sponsored by government research funding, our own institute, and industry cooperation, which are initial propellers to produce articles, patents, technology transfer, and international activities, guidelines of federated learning and to cultivate our medical AI staffs. There is no doubt that the high technology industry is very important on the roadmap of medical AI development in Taiwan. We could share our experience, and a huge amount of previous health data for analysis to boost project progression and create innovation. Our goal for a smart hospital aims to build the digital OR, AI medical record, smart OPD, and inward care on the roadmap of AI development. To cope with this, time, manpower, brainstorming, and investment are necessary. The future development of medical AI needs more engagement of talented manpower, and cross-field cooperation to gain more resources from government and industry support which is the key to cultivating the younger generation of medical AI experts. On the other hand, we need a nationwide consortium to assist in efficient administrative processing to fasten the speed of any novel idea to project, the project to patent, product to verification of AI-based software as a medical device (SaMD), and global market analysis.