2022年10月31日 星期一

Is Membrane Necessary in Bone Regeneration?

Ken-Chung CHEN
陳 畊仲

The conventional GTR procedure aims to achieve tissue regeneration, including bone, cementum, and connective tissue. Membrane application for epithelial cell occlusion and space maintenance are critical factors for GTR success. Along with the dental implant, bone augmentation in the edentulous site also develops essential. The concept of GBR was announced, similar to GTR, bone grafting, then reinforced membrane application for cell occlusion and space maintenance. But the environment of the edentulous site is different from the periodontal defect, and the dominant difference is that the periosteum is intact in the edentulous area. Is the cell occlusive membrane necessary in GBR? Does it isolate epithelial cells? Or osteoblast? Even blood supply from mucosa? These questions were emerging. In early 2000, titanium mesh with porosity was widely used in GBR and gained excellent results.

This procedure provides evidence that the hypothesis of cell occlusion in GBR is not crucial. In this topic, I will give evidence to discuss the membrane necessary in GBR.

2022年10月28日 星期五

Office-Based Orthognathic Surgery



FaceMaker Joint Clinic


    Orthognathic Surgery is performed by oral & maxillofacial surgeons in the majority, and by plastic surgeons, too. In light of the complexity of this head & neck surgery, involvement of occlusion, and alteration of the airway, hospitals seem to be more appropriate for this procedure. However, more and more clinics are capable of orthognathic surgery along with optimization of their hardware and reinforced collaboration between surgeons, anesthesiologists, and orthodontists.


    The reason why people choose large hospitals to have their surgery is based on safety, the authority of the doctors, and even the reliability of the hospitals. With comprehensive upgrades on all these aspects, clinics would hold a candle to hospitals.


    In addition to your heedful preoperative evaluation, for safety, please make sure all first-aid equipment and medicines are prepared, cooperate with the licensed anesthesiologists, offer professional post-operative care by qualified medical personnel and work up your standard operating procedure, including routes of emergency transfer. The surgeons clinch their expertise, for the authority, and have to keep advancing their masterliness while, with sufficient communication, refraining from misleading their patients. The ambiance of your facility and positive patient-physician relationship will cater to security, and in return, grant you people's reliability. Sometimes, you need seasonable publicity, and time will prove it.


   Fortunately, my facility is the first and the only specialist clinic of oral & maxillofacial surgery, which earned the Aesthetic Medicine Clinic Quality Certification (AMCQC) from the Ministry of Health & Welfare, and specializes in orthognathic surgery as well as facial contouring surgery. We will keep it up and set the industry benchmarks for all other oral & maxillofacial surgeons dedicated to their clinics prospering.


      Lastly, I would like to share some rundowns of my clinic and wish they would help.


煥顏口腔顎面外科診所| 交通資訊 

煥顏聯合診所 張明智 院長











Speakers Night


老新臺菜 十全店


2022年10月27日 星期四

A Novel Material to Secure Artificial Dermis- Putty Type Silicone Used in Transbuccal Fixation Procedure

 Pei-Jung CHEN

Kaohsiung Municipal Siaogang Hospital


There are several ways to reconstruct the mucosal defect following the removal of the lesions of the oral cavity. STSG (split-thickness skin graft) or artificial dermis is the most common method of reconstruction of oral mucosa defect. 

The tie-over bolster technique is the most common method for securing the graft. However, that can quickly accumulate saliva and debris, causing odor and discomfort to the patient. More often, infection of the wound may be noted due to difficulty in keeping clean of the wound. 

The transbuccal fixation technique is another common method for securing intraoral skin grafts. Several materials, such as a soft liner, and thermal pad, were used, but odor and discomfort to the patient were also noted. In this case, we described an alternative technique to stabilize intraoral skin graft or artificial dermis with putty-type impression silicon material. It presented surprising results in healing and better and easier wound care procedures. 

EBA Global - Kaohsiung Municipal Siaogang Hospital

2022年10月24日 星期一

Situations of the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons in Japan

Kanchu TEI


The upbringing of the young oral and maxillofacial surgeon becomes an urgent task in the Japanese Society of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons. The scientific society support expenses for young doctors studying at a different university or hospital within the country, contribute a subsidy to the meeting only for young oral surgeons and establish conference presentation awards and an article award for young oral surgeons in the society.

On the other hand, it is also an urgent task for the JSOMS to increase the specialist or specialist in instruction among female oral and maxillofacial surgeons.

Day 3 Sun Nov 20 AM

Day 3 Sunday Nov 20, 2022

第三工 tē-saⁿ-kang 2022壬寅年jîm-în-nî11月 goe̍h20 日 禮拜日 lé-pài-ji̍t 上午 siōng-ngó͘

08: 30 - 08:50 

Prevention and Management of Common Complications of Sagittal Split Ramus Osteotomy Mike Yiu Yan LEUNG 
梁 耀殷

09:25 -09:45

Clinical Practice Guidelines and Modern Management Approaches for Craniofacial Fibrous Dysplasia Shiao-Pieng LEE  

顱顏面纖維發育不良的臨床指南和當代處置路徑 李 曉屏

09:45 - 10: 05 

Maxillofacial Surgery in Veterinary Medicine Cheng-Shu CHUNG 
獸醫學中的口腔顎面外科       鍾 承澍

10:05 - 10:25
Anatomicopathological Consideration of Surgical Approaches in the Oral Cavity Cancer Chisheng CHENG 
口腔癌手術路徑的解剖病理學考慮 程 稚盛

Trauma 外傷

10:25 - 10:45
下顎骨折觀血性復位固定手術路徑趨勢 管野 貴浩

管野 貴浩

11:05 - 11:20 
Violin, Music, and Coffee Break 音樂咖啡歇睏

11:20- 11:40

Basic Principles of Orthognathic Surgery Je Uk PARK 

正顎手術基本原則                                   朴載億

11:40 - 12:00
Surgery First Approach Orthognathic Surgery Je Uk PARK

手術先行的正顎手術進策                               朴載億



Group Photo

Day 2 Sat Nov 19

Day 2 Sat Nov 19, 2022

第二工 tē-jī-kang 2022壬寅年jîm-în-nî11月 goe̍h 19 日拜六 pài-la̍k

上午 siōng-ngó͘

08:30 - 08:50 

08:50 - 09:10 

09:10 - 09:30 
頭頸部超音波影像的臨床應用    彭 馨慧 🇹🇼
09:30 09:50 
處理唾液腺結石的可用武器。      鄭 介原 🇹🇼

09:50 - 10:00
Coffee Break 啉咖啡 (lim ka-pi)


10:00- 10:20
在骨引導再生中,再生膜是否必要?          陳 畊仲 🇹🇼

在元宇宙時代的顳顎關節疾病之精準醫學治療  羅 文良 🇹🇼

10:40 -11:10
Anthony Shou-Yen KAO 台北榮民總醫院人工智慧醫療發展現況    高 壽延  🇹🇼

Orthognathic Surgery 正顎手術

11:10 - 11:40

“Paradigm Shift” in Orthognathic Surgery- Occlusion First to Face First Toshihiko TAKENOBU 

典範轉移:從咬合優先到顏面優先 竹信 俊彥🇯🇵

我所遇到的正顎手術併發症。    陳 遠謙  🇹🇼

12:10 - 12:20

Medial Approach to Mandibular Condyle for Intraoral TMJ Gap Arthroplasty by using Piezo and Surgical Guide  Edward Chengchuan KO 

使用超音波骨刀從下顎骨髁頭內側進行口內關節形成術  柯 政全🐯 🇹🇼

Lunch Time  12:20 - 13:25 

Luncheon 12:30 - 13:00


Overcoming the Challenges in Dental Implant Rehabilitation of a Reconstructed Mandible with Fibular Flap    Mario ESQUILLO 🇵🇭

克服於腓骨皮瓣重建之下顎骨植牙時所遇到的挑戰 馬力歐 愛斯基洛


13:45- 14:05
Prognosis of Medication-related Osteonecrosis of the Jaw in Patients Using Antiresoptive Agent Ling-Ying WEI 
使用抗骨鬆藥物病人的顎骨壞死MRONJ預後  魏 鈴穎 🇹🇼

14:05 - 14:20
Hypoxia aggravates cell death and poor fibronectin deposition of the human gingival fibroblasts treated with Alendronate.  Edward Chengchuan KO 
柯 政全🐯 🇹🇼

Oncology 腫瘤

14:20 - 14:40
術中CBCT在口腔顎面外科中的應用   涂 曦丰 🇹🇼

14:40 - 15:00
Survival analysis of recurrent and metastatic oral squamous cell carcinoma: does surgical salvage affect the outcome? Wei-Fang CHIANG 復發性和轉移性口腔鱗狀細胞癌的生存分析:手術搶救會影響結果嗎? 蔣 維凡 🇹🇼

15:00 - 15:30 
耳下腺腫瘤的外科考量  鄭 世榮 🇹🇼

15:30 - 15:50
晚期口腔癌的手術治療 邱 昱瑋 🇹🇼

15:50 - 16:00
 Music  Dr. William ChunChih CHEN and KMU Singers

16:00 - 16:20 

Coffee Break 啉咖啡 (lim ka-pi)  看展覽(khòaⁿ tián-lám)

16:20 - 16:40
Functional Jaw Reconstruction after Ablative Surgery: the  New Trend (V) Richard Yuxiong SU 
切除手術後功能性骨重建:新趨勢  蘇 宇雄🇭🇰

16:40 - 17:10  

Computer-aided Cranioorbital Surgery Cheng-Hsien WU 

電腦輔助手術 吳 政憲 🇹🇼

17:10 - 18:00

Use of Octacalcium Phosphate and Collagen Composite (Bonarc®) in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery    

磷酸八鈣和膠原蛋白複合物 (Bonarc®) 在口腔顎面外科中的應用

Periosteal Expansion 骨膜擴張術


高橋 哲🇯🇵 


Group Photo 

Ming-Chih Mark CHANG

Ming-Chih Mark CHANG, DDS, MS

煥顏口腔顎面外科診所| 張明智院長

President, FaceMaker Joint Clinic

張 明 智, DDS, MS

現職 煥顏聯合診所 院長

台北市中山區(104089) 新生北路二段 33 巷 9 號 02-2581-2525

No. 9, Ln. 33, Sec. 2, Xinsheng N. Rd.,

Zhongshan Dist., Taipei City 10408, Taiwan

Tel: +886-2-2581-2525


Education and Post Graduate Training

 Master's Degree in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery,

Graduate Institution of Dentistry, Kaohsiung Medical University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan 9/1999~ 6/2001

  DDS, School of Dentistry, Kaohsiung Medical University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan 9/1993~ 6/1999

 Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Tokyo, Japan

 Chiba- Nishi General Hospital, Chiba, Japan

Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Fellowship 9/2011~ 3/2012

 Fellowship, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Seoul National University Dental Hospital, Seoul, Korea 2/2011~ 8/2011

 Fellowship, Division of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Cathay General Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan 7/2007~ 6/2010

  Residency, Division of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Kaohsiung Medical University Hospital,  Kaohsiung, Taiwan 7/2003~6/2007

Board Certification

Taiwanese Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons since 2007

The Association of Family Dentistry, Taiwan, since 2008

Membership and Affiliation

Taiwanese Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons since 1999

Supervisor 2015~ 2016

Secretary-General 2017~ 2018

Director since 2019

The Association of Family Dentistry, Taiwan since 2008

The Korean Society of Maxillofacial Aesthetic Surgery since 2013

Department of Dentistry, Sijhih Cathay General Hospital (Taiwan)

Attending Surgeon on Staff since 2010

Director 2016~ 2020

學歷 高雄醫學大學牙醫學士


資歷  高雄醫學大學附設醫院牙科部口腔顎面外科總住院醫師

 高雄醫學大學附設醫院臨床見習指導醫師

 汐止國泰綜合醫院牙科主任

 日本東京醫科齒科大學 Foreign Scholar

 韓國首爾大學 Visiting Doctor for Fellowship

 Poznan University of Medical Sciences Center for Medical

Education in English 臨床講師

 韓國 IL WOONG Foundation 赴越南 Binh Duong General

Hospital 唇顎裂義診手術團隊醫師

 The Korean Society of Maxillofacial Aesthetic Surgery


參與學會  中華民國口腔顎面外科學會 監事

 中華民國口腔顎面外科學會 秘書長

 中華民國口腔顎面外科學會 理事

 中華民國口腔顎面外科學會 專科醫師

 中華民國植牙醫學會 專科醫師

 中華民國家庭牙醫學會 專科醫師

專題發表  2017 TAFPRS 下顎骨削骨手術 Live Surgery

 2017 中華民國家庭牙醫學會:上顎竇增高數側窗補骨法

 2017 Takao Forum of OMFS:Mandibular Angle Reduction

 2019 Asia-Pacific Maxillofacial Aesthetic Surgery

Symposium:A Secure Cutting Guide in IVRO

 2020 IFFPSS:Mandibuloplasty

Surgery Management of Late-Stage Oral Cancer

Yuwei CHIU

Late-stage oral cancer includes T4a and T4b. Management of oral cancer includes surgery or concurrent chemo and radiotherapy. Many studies showed patients who received surgery may have more prolonged survival than chemo and radiotherapy. However, surgery may be challenging when the tumor extends to masticatory space and infratemporal fossa. Few studies have suggested the approach methods and showed that the tumor can be resected with a clear vision. I advocated my surgery experience for late-stage oral cancer, including T4a and the tumor ablation surgery over the masticatory region. Some surgery tips are also shown in my presentation.

2022年10月23日 星期日

Survival Analysis of Recurrent Squamous Cell Carcinoma of Oral Cavity: Does Surgical Salvage Affect Outcome?


Department of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery
Chi Mei Medical Center, Liouying, Taiwan


奇美醫療財團法人柳營奇美醫院--慈心古坑有機農場巡禮,旅遊/玩樂, - BeClass 線上報名系統Online Registration  Form(for 移動裝置)活動日期:2016-11-20

25 %–60 % of oral squamous cell carcinoma patients faced tumor recurrence after definite treatment. Although systemic anti-cancer modalities continue to grow in parallel with innovations, surgery is considered the best curative choice in recurrent squamous cell carcinoma of the oral cavity (R-SCCOC). Long-term failure rates are high among those who are candidates for surgical salvage. Given the potential negative impact of salvage surgery on quality of life—particularly in unsuccessful interventions—the decision to operate must be weighed carefully. The identification of patients who can benefit the most from this treatment is challenging. The decision parameters of surgical intervention had been proposed, such as initial stage, primary treatment, and disease-free interval, type of recurrence, performance status, and clinical stage of recurrent tumor. Furthermore, several poor prognostic factors such as resection margins status, extranodal extension, and post-surgery complications can be useful to tailor the therapeutic planning after surgery. In the present retrospective study that evaluated 211 R-SCCOC patients treated at our institution from 2009 to 2020, we tried to determine the clinic-pathological factors associated with disease recurrence and successful salvage surgery. In conclusion, salvage surgery should be performed when the possibility of success is high as survival rates in patients who achieve successful salvage and quality of life are similar to those observed in non-recurrent cases.

Use of Polycaprolactone Scaffolds in Rhinoplasty

Tian Ee SEAH
謝 天毅


Patients who present with flat, amorphous nasal tips often request nasal surgeries that will increase their nasal tip projection and give them a more defined nasal tip. Patients with deviated noses will require spreader grafts to help straighten the nose. These patients often require a strong underlying scaffold in the form of a septal extended graft or a spreader graft to achieve the desired result. Traditionally, septal grafts, conchal grafts, or costochondral grafts are used. However, there are cases where there is a lack of septal cartilage. Conchal graft is usually weaker and curved and is not suitable as a septal extended graft. Although costochondral graft is able to provide adequate length and strength, some patients or surgeons may prefer not to have costochondral grafts due to possible complications that may arise, such as pneumothorax and scarring. This has led to a search for an optimal biocompatible alloplastic graft material to be used with ease during rhinoplasty. Polycaprolactone is a widely studied polymer that has been used as a drug delivery vehicle. It is an absorbable material that degrades slowly and has been shown in some studies to induce fibrocartilaginous growth.  This lecture will touch on the use of polycaprolactone-based implants as a spreader or compound septal extension graft in rhinoplasty.

Precision Medicine of Craniomandibular Disorders in the Era of Metaverse


Wen-Liang LO

Institute of Oral Biology, Department of Dentistry, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, and Department of Stomatology, Taipei Veterans General Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC

國立陽明交通大學 牙醫學系及口腔生物研究所 及 臺北榮民總醫院 口腔醫學部


Human differences in disease phenotype and treatment responses are well documented. Technological advances now allow healthcare providers to improve the prevention and treatment of chronic diseases by stratifying patient populations. Although personalized medicine has great promise, it has, so far, been primarily applied in oncology. Wider adoption requires changes in the healthcare system and in clinical decision-making, and early applications of personalized medicine appear to require strong clinical utility and sufficient value to drive adoption. Personalized medicine is likely to enter dentistry as patients

start to demand it and as novel diagnoses and treatments are developed for pathways common to oral diseases.

The metaverse is an extension of the internet that allows users to interact with each other and the environment around them. This is achieved using various types of technologies, including virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR). These scenarios may seem far from our daily teaching activity or segregated to research labs only. While virtual education spaces such as Zoom, Teams, and Google Meet are the new norm, the creation of digital laboratories is also a reality: real online players are challenged to solve difficult scientific problems.

The use of artificial intelligence (AI) is now a reality in dentistry. A significant advancement is the use of haptic gloves that would let dental students feel virtual objects while practicing suturing or giving a nerve block – this can significantly improve the students’ technique over time and give them, for example, immediate feedback with respect to needlepoint insertion. While initial costs for such systems might seem high now, the hardware is proven to be cost-effective in the long term.

Dentistry, too, will evolve in the near future, taking a cue from medical health practices in their exploration of the metaverse. Soon, we might have dental telehealth conversations in a virtual metaverse with our avatars indulging in dental health consultations with patients. 

Therefore, we propose a protocol of precision medicine for craniomandibular disorders based on previous and ongoing research, and its possible application in the dental metaverse, “Dentominiverse”.

Day 1 Fri Nov 18 PM

Day 1 Fri, Nov 18, 2022

第一工 tē-it-kang 2022壬寅年jîm-în-nî11月 goe̍h18 日 ji̍t拜五 pài-gō͘

Reception: Check-in


Opening Ceremony 開幕

13:50 -14:05 Opening by President TAOMS, Prof Elliot Shih-Jung CHENG 

                       鄭 世榮理事長致詞

                      Welcome message from KMU 高醫長官致詞

Orthognathic Surgery 正顎手術

14:05 - 14:25 

Pitfall and Pearls of Vertical Ramus Osteotomy - 20-year Experience at CSMUH Chihyu PENG 

下顎骨垂直直枝截骨術的陷阱與真珠 - 20年中山醫大經驗  彭 芷瑜(中山醫大)  🇹🇼

14:25 - 14: 45

Integrated Anterior Maxillary Subapical Osteotomy Chun-Ming CHEN 

綜合性前上顎根尖下截骨術 陳俊明(高醫) 🇹🇼

14:45 - 15:05 

Office-based Orthognathic Surgery Ming-Chih Mark CHANG

口外專科診所的正顎手術             張 明智  🇹🇼

15:05 - 15: 35

Pushing the Limits of Conventional Wisdom in Clinical Practice by Always Questioning: Applications in Orthognathic and Implant Surgery  Raymond WONG 黃忠永🇸🇬

15:35 - 15:50

Coffee Break 啉咖啡 (lim ka-pi)

TMJ 顳顎關節


TMJ Arthroscopy: Basic Techniques Hsiu An HSU 

顳顎關節鏡:基本技術 許 修銨 🇹🇼


16:10 -16:30

Situations of the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons in Japan.  Kanchu TEI

日本口腔顎面外科醫師現狀           鄭 漢忠 (北海道大學) 🇯🇵

Oncology 腫瘤

16:30- 16:50

Postsurgical Swallowing Function in Patients with Oral Cancer Kazuyo KURIBAYASHI

口腔癌患者術後吞嚥功能          栗林 和代  (北海道大學)🇯🇵

16:50 - 17:10
轉移至顎骨之惡性腫瘤之治療困境與對策        黃 振勲 (成功大學) 🇹🇼

17:10 - 17:30
頭頸癌的硼中子俘獲治療法現狀 井川 和代 (岡山大學) 🇯🇵

17:30 - 18:00

Cell Therapy in Otorhinolaryngology and Head Neck Tsung-Lin YANG

耳鼻喉科與頭頸部之細胞治療      楊 宗霖 (台灣大學耳鼻喉部)🇹🇼


Group Photo  團體 (thoân-thé)翕相 (hip-siòng)

Welcome Message


Dear colleagues and friends,

On behalf of the Taiwanese Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons, it is with great honor to welcome all participants to attend the 3rd Takao Forum of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery to be held from 18th to 20th November 2022 in Kaohsiung, Taiwan. The organizing chairman, Prof. Edward Ko has pledged to spare no effort in elaborating an informative and innovative international academic event so that all participants will perceive it as rewarding and joyful. 

At this congress, we invited 36 speakers from 6 countries and have approximately 200 attendants from all over the world. We provide more than 40 topics, including new technology, research, computer aid surgery, craniomaxillofacial deformities, head-and-neck oncology, reconstruction, robotic surgery, etc. I am convinced the program will provide you with new information, better knowledge in the field of your interest, and ideas on how to improve your results. In addition to the scientific program, a series of amazing social events, including the Opening ceremony, Welcome reception, and Gala dinner, will allow us to enjoy gatherings and friendship. Kaohsiung is a modern and vibrant international city with great history and culture. It will be comfortable here, full of delicious cuisine and sunshine. During this visit, we will meet lots of our friends in the Asian Society of OMS after the COVID-19 pandemic spreading, and wish you have a great time in southern Taiwan.

Finally, I greatly appreciate all speakers, moderators, organizing committee, and scientific team members for your long-turn effort and contribution, and cordially welcome all participants to exchange knowledge and technique, and enrich our scientific activities.  


Looking forward to all your coming and participation.  

Sincerely Yours,


Prof. Elliot Shih-Jung CHENG, DDS, MS, PhD

President, Taiwanese Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons

Postsurgical Swallowing Function in Patients with Oral Cancer

Kazuyo Kuribayashi, Kanchu Tei and Yoichi Ohiro


Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, 

Faculty of Dental Medicine and Graduate School of Dental Medicine, 

Hokkaido University, Japan




Postsurgical oromandibular defects have been restored using microvascular free flaps with high success rates. However, postsurgical functional impairments such as articulation, mastication, and swallowing have remained an issue for such patients. 

Twenty-five patients with oral cancer were subjects of the study. The patients were treated with oral or oropharyngeal resection, neck dissection, and reconstructed with vascularized free flaps. Swallowing function was assessed using video-fluoroscopy at before surgery, and 1, 6, and 12 months after surgery. The oral transit time, pharyngeal transit time, and percent of bolus swallowed were measured, and the Oropharyngeal Swallow Efficiency (OPSE) was calculated. The result was that OPSE in patients with oral cancer did not recover progressively between 1 and more than 12 months postsurgically.

 Then, we hypothesized that dentures could improve swallowing function in postoperative patients with oral cancer. Ten patients with mandibular reconstruction using osteocutaneous fibula free flap were included in this study.  

The swallowing function of these patients was assessed using videofluoroscopy with and without dentures. For the test food, Barium paste and Barium pancake were used.

Four quantitative analyses were performed such as Numbers of chewing, Masticatory pattern, Oral transit timePharyngeal transit timeThe results suggest that wearing denture have a significant effect on swallowing function in the patient with mandibular reconstruction.

2022年10月22日 星期六

Trends of Surgical Approaches for Open Reduction and Internal Fixation of Mandibular Condyle Fracture

The 3rd Takao Forum of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Shimane University Faculty of
Medicine & Maxillofacial Trauma Center, Shimane University Hospital,
Izumo, Shimane, Japan

Title of Lecture②:

Trends of Surgical Approaches for Open Reduction and Internal Fixation of Mandibular Condyle Fracture


Our maxillofacial injuries are commonly encountered in the daily practice and of

emergency medicine. Nearly 50% of such patients with these facial injuries have

multisystemic trauma that requires coordinated management between emergency

physicians and surgical specialists.

Of these, the mandibular condylar process is one of the most frequent sites of

mandibular fracture. Mandibular condylar fractures account for 18% - 52% of all

mandibular fractures as the most common fracture site of the mandible. Although

absolute and relative indications for surgical treatment of open reduction and

internal fixation (ORIF) have been proposed, and treatment choices in such patients

tend to be based on the surgeon’s experience and preferences. When mandibular

condylar fractures cause oromandibular dysfunction, surgical treatment of ORIF

may be needed for better occlusion and temporomandibular joint function because

accurate reduction and rigid fixation allow good anatomical repositioning and

immediate functional recovery. Recently, surgical treatment for condylar fractures

has become more and more the standard treatment option because of advancements

in technology, development of indigenous osteosynthesis devices, and

enhancement of surgical techniques and various feasible surgical approaches

introduced owing to a better understanding of surgical anatomy and

accumulated data may support these so far.

Several surgical approaches of intraoral (with or without endoscopic assistance)

and extraoral (Preauricular approach, Retromandibular approach, Submandibular

approach, High-submandibular approach) applicable for open treatment of ORIF of

mandibular condyle fractures, and have been used to expose, reduce, and stabilize

the fracture site, each with its own set of advantages and disadvantages. The

application of these various surgical approaches has been, however, all still

remaining controversial based on the surgeon’s experience and preferences.